I can live without anything or anyone, but I cannot live without God!

Monday, August 20, 2012


This morning in the quiet place, the grass was wet, glistening with last night's rain and morning dew. Even after an hour and one half of being there in the sun, it still was glowing with dampness. No hot morning sun to dry things up. Such a contradiction to how it looked just a few weeks ago! Dry and brown and hard earth beneath it. The birds had even stopped coming for their morning catch. That was very sad, but they are back now, singing their little hearts out. Gods choir.

But it is the dew that brought me to this page today. It prompted me to the back of my little leather bound book where I looked up all the references for shine. Although my little book certainly didn't have as many references as a big concordance, it had more than I expected. Psalm 80 it is repeatedly asking for God's face to shine upon us, that we might be saved. But really isn't is that when He does save us then we shine, reflecting His glory back to the world. It wasn't the dew that made the grass shine. It was the reflective property of the water that shone the light of the sun. So what properties in us can make us reflect Him? Daniel 12:3 says "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." It is only by gaining the wisdom of who we are, and who He is, then giving Him complete authority in our lives, that we become shining image bearers for the One and only God of all.

Side note: Yesterday, Pastor Danny challenged the congregation to "have coffee with Jesus". aka time alone in a quiet place  Just you and your bible. Then listen for His voice. But part of the challenge included a systematic plan for bible reading. I've never been good at keeping a plan like that before, but I'm planning on using the little concordance each day to take me to places I've either never been, rarely been, or have been "too" often. And as always, I thank Him for my quiet place where we meet every morning!

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