I can live without anything or anyone, but I cannot live without God!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Makes Me Mad

NaBloPoMo prompt for the day asks what our passion is.

Humm....lets start with the definition of passion.
1.  A powerful emotion
2.  Boundless enthusiasm 
3.  An abandoned display of emotion
4.  The sufferings of Jesus; Martyrdom
Diffenately puts the thoughts I had at the first reading the prompt out the window. 
Things like, "I'm passionate about food" or "My passions is reading." 
Don't think that really fits the definitions. 
Emotions---So what makes me cry; what makes me angry; what brings me pure joy?
If we look at what makes us mad, it is probably a good place to start picking apart,  
looking for the true passion that is in us. After all, isn't that what made Jesus come? 
Was it not His anger over sin separating us from Him? We are His passion.
But the question is what is my passion. What makes me angry? 
My kids would probably say, "Everything makes her angry." But they only pay attention to me when I'm angry, so that's what they notice. I tend to be a quiet, reserved person, without too much to say most of the time. Yet when I do get mad, people know it. Everyone knows!
Reflecting on the question that I entitled this blog, I've come to a few conclusions, 
but will only focus on one. My own failure. That is what makes me mad. 
Failure to be what I need to be for those who need me; failure to meet the expectations of those counting on me: failure to be able to express myself so those I love know how much I love each of them. And all those make me cry. 
So the answer to my passion: loving people. Doing that well brings me pure joy.

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